I will not engage in political propaganda supporting TNA: CV

I will not engage in any political propaganda supporting the TNA candidates, instead take a neutral stance, NPC Chief Minister C.V Wigneswaran said in a communiqué issued in that context.

He said that the General Elections was announced when he was on a tour abroad and many a people question about his stance now.

“Ten candidates are vying for seven seats in the Jaffna Electoral District while nine candidates are contesting for six seats in the Wanni Electoral District. Hence, there is a contradictory situation among the candidates within the party to secure the highest number of preferential votes.I was chosen as the common candidate for the post of Chief Minister at the NPC in the year 2013. When I assumed duties as Chief Minister the constituent parties of the TNA found fault with me citing that I did not take a neutral stance. They leveled criticism against me that I was biased towards the ITAK. They also spelled out that as the Chief Minister of the NPC I must act in an impartial manner.Nevertheless, I hold the view that although the TNA chose me as the Chief Minister; it is not ethical for me to support them at the forthcoming general elections.I have no issue with any member elected by the people irrespective of the party he belonged to; however, those elected by the people should work with dedication and also upholding the unity. I believe that priority should be given to the progress and the well being of the people than the parties,” he said

He said that It was disheartening to note that the rehabilitation, resettlement and the development projects were being implemented in a haphazard manner without taking into consideration the dire needs of the people. The political solution was drifting away from the people and also justice was delayed for those battered by the war.

“Under these circumstances, you are called upon to cast your valuable votes at the forthcoming General Elections. Hence, it is your bounden duty to elect the most capable candidates to represent you in the Parliament who can courageously face the challenges that I have mentioned.We have to exercise our democratic rights and make our political journey vibrant. We have to pay due attention to our task and maintain absolute transparency and accountability and desist behaving like tourists visiting places during elections, The Chief Minister said in his communiqué.

Source : DailyMirror